Fair Use Policy

Fair Use Policy #

Last Updated: September 04, 2023

See What’s Changed

  1. Definitions and Interpretations

    A named user as per the relevant Master Services Agreement
  2. Our Fair Use Policy is intended to ensure customers are able to use the service in an appropriate manner to meet their needs.

  3. A very small number of customers use an excessive amount of resource at peak times, to the extent that it can impair the service of others.

  4. The fair usage policy will identify the very small number of very heavy users. We will communicate with these users to offer options related to either decreasing their utilisation or upgrading their commercial plan to facilitate this additional use.

  5. Excluded Services: There are certain services for which the Fair Use Policy does not apply, specified as follows:

    1. Production Holder as a Service (HaaS) customers.
  6. Usage Limits: The following specifies the acceptable usage limits:

    1. Maximum Supports Requests: 10 times per week over 2 months per Customer
    2. Maximum Arrangements: 10,000 consents per Seat
    3. Maximum API Calls: 10 API calls per second per Seat
    4. No more than 2 redirect URI per named user
  7. Fair Use Violation: If a customer exceeds the Usage Limits, we will contact the key user of your account by telephone or by email to inform them that your usage is excessive and is affecting other customers.

    1. The contact details we use will be those registered to the Customer
    2. If excess usage continues we will contact you again to ask you to reduce your usage to within the thresholds specified or offer potential options to increase your service allocation.
    3. If your usage still remains excessively high, we will contact you a third time and immediately limit your continued use of the service.